Friday, February 20, 2015

GAPS and Candida -What I Did

My thrush
Let's face it, candida sucks!!  Yeast infections, thrush, and much, much worse.  I have suffered a lot through the years and I know there are many people out there just like me.

Candida is a yeast overgrowth in your body that leads to many health problems including yeast infections, and a growth on your tongue (Thrush), bloating, heartburn, constipation, cramping, indigestion, diarrhea, allergies, weight changes, fatigue, and more.  Now that I think about it, that might just be my one and only problem! 

Back to what I am doing about it.  At first I was trying to do the Gaps diet but also stay away from the things that the Candida Diet said to avoid.  That was really hard!  Along with all the things that I am restricted because of GAPS, I was going to be taking away even more!  So, my mom suggested an idea, why don't I just do the full GAPS to let the good bacteria grow for a while?  She thought that if I let the good bacteria grow that that good bacteria would fight the yeast and eventually kill it off.  This seemed to me like a good idea and I slowly added foods in and watched for reactions, but I didn't have any!

In the Gut and Psychology Syndrome book Dr. Natasha talks about Candida and says that people with Candida may have to go without the sugars and fruits for a while  Listen to your body and just do what it needs.  If you feel that you need to take sugars out, read about it, and if you still feel like you do, then do!

Update:  I have been on GAPS for six months now and all of my problems have greatly reduced, including my thrush.  Just go with your gut, and don't starve yourself, that isn't good for you either.
What other problems have you guy had with Candida and what did you do about it?

Emma <3

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