Saturday, February 21, 2015

How to do the GAPS Diet without Taking Probiotics

I am sure most of you have wondered whether it is possible to take the GAPS without pulling an extra 100-200 bucks for probiotics out of your pocket.  And I am sure you guys have read at least a couple blogs of people telling you that there is no way and no excuse to not take probiotics.

But there is good news!  During this diet (six months) I have not taken a single bottled probiotic!  Do you want to know how?  There is one simple answer:  Pickle juice, yogurt, and broth. 

As long as I drink a few gulps of broth and pickle juice (pickle juice has probiotics, by the way) before or after every meal and drink a smoothie every couple days I am all good!   I am warning you, you need to make sure to drink plenty of the broth, pickle juice, and yogurt; you can't just skip that too (You will feel terrible).

And now I am just speaking out of experience, I am not a proffesional.  I had people complain to me that probiotics are great for you and reduce symptoms alot, and I know they do!  I just don't have the money to buy any and I know a lot of others don't either, and all I am saying is it is possible but not the best idea if you can afford to buy the bottled probiotic, to get your only probiotics out of your pickled vegetables.

Has anyone else tried GAPS without probiotics?  How did you feel?

I hope this helps!

Emma <3

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